Welcome to Cooking Hours !
Happy and successful cooking does not rely only on know-how; it comes from the heart makes great demand on the palette and needs enthusiasm and a deep love of food to bring it to life.
For many years I have been collecting recipes from my mother, friends and other relatives, and writing them down in my cooking file.Whenever we have friends over for dinner I am often asked for a recipe or two which I consider a fine compliment.Copying recipes from cooking file is very difficult for me and I find that I don’t follow through often enough when I promise someone a copy of one of my recipes. So now with my cooking website I am happy that I have an easy way to share recipes not only with friends and family, but with people from all over the world.So try it.
If you are a beginner and want to learn delicious cooking which make you even better than experts. It’s the best place to start and learn .Easy recipes for the beginners and the people who love cooking or spending hours in the kitchen to cook tasty meal? Well if you do then you will love this website. It has an amazing catalog of delicious recipes. Here you can find the best choice of beverages, soups, salads, chicken, mutton, rice, deserts, snacks, baking and other categories. You will certainly love the experience.
If you find this site useful and the recipes work for you, as a sign of appreciation PLEASE send your comments and suggestions.
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